Suddenly I woke up,
I was still in the middle of the deserted desert.
I realised it was not a blue ocean I was following
but a mirage
It was not a seagull guiding me
It was a dead raven
Now is too late to go back
Now I can’t keep going
Now I’m a single narcissuses flower growing in the middle of a desert,
A drop of rain is my only dream.
It is not vain
To feel pain,
My beloved sun
Is my killer now.
Now I see clear it was not a blue ocean but a mirage,
How foolish I was not to realise
How cool it was when dreaming.
You knew I love the colour blue,
You knew I love to fly in the blue oceans
Now I realise it was not a blue ocean but a mirage,
It is too late to go back
And I’ve got no strength to keep going.
Don’t you know the desert is a narcissus flower‘s nightmares?
Don’t you know seagull can’t keep flying in the mirage?
Didn’t you see my glass was full of love?
How could you break it?
Didn’t you see my vase was empty?
Why you didn’t pore some water?
Why didn’t you wake me before you go?
Didn’t you know a desert is a narcissus flower‘s nightmare ?
I just woke up in the middle of that hot desert.
I realised that it was not a blue ocean that I follow
But a mirage.
Simko Ahmed
Xmas 2017